🏁Quickstart 1 - Running The Docker Stack

How to quickly get up and running with the CivicDuty Prefect Distro with Docker on Linux

Github Repo location https://lab.civicrm.org/ttaylor/civicduty


Assuming Docker is running on a Linux OS such as Ubuntu, Debian or Redhat.

Docker should be installed on host, including docker-compose - Official Docker install instructions

These instructions were derived on a host running Debian 11 (bullseye) Linux distro .

Step by Step Instructions

git clone https://lab.civicrm.org/ttaylor/civicduty 
  • Navigate to newly created civicduty directory

cd civicduty
  • Create the .env configuration file from the template file versions.venv i.e.

For x64 (Intel) machines

cp versions.env .env

For arm64 machines (AWS Graviton/ Mac Silicon etc)

cp versions-arm.env .env

Optional Steps

Change Postgres password in the configuration file .venv i.e.


Start the Stack

In the directory that you installed civicduty to, run the following command:

./prefect.sh start

By default the stack will restart after the host is rebooted

Stop the Stack

In the directory that you installed civicduty to, run the following command:

./prefect.sh stop

Last updated